Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Apple FTW

If you had told me ten years ago, I'd be an apple addict, I would've laughed you out of the room.  But here I am with not only a MacBook Pro, iPod, iPod shuffle, AirPort, iPad, but also an iPhone.  I love them all!!!

The best part of being an apple owner is the simplicity of the products.  I like that I don't have to think very hard for what I'm looking to do.  When I'm at work, I have to use a PC.  I'm not opposed to them at all, but I do find that things that normally take me 5 minutes at home end up taking me twice as long because of how difficult it is to find what I'm looking to do on the computer.

Pricewise, they're well worth the cost.  Genius support makes "mistakes" not as scary.  I like that they all work well together :)  Heck, I just got a new car and the phone and car are now best friends.  The music from the iPhone plays through the speakers without having to be plugged in which makes me super excited!

The downside?  I'm not the wealthiest person and now I really want that cute little iPad mini.  Dangit!

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